video games

Video Game Accessibility Awards: the winners have been revealed

The second edition of the Video Game Accessibility Awards took place a couple of days ago. The ceremony was held online and it was hosted by Steven Spohn of AbleGamers and Alanah Pearce of Sony Santa Monica. The awards were also presented by various popular content creators and actors like JackSepticEye and Ryan Reynolds. “Halo Infinite” was the overall winner of the ceremony, obtaining the “Clear Text” and “Training Grounds” prizes. The Video Game Accessibility Awards is a great opportunity to show how some developers can work to include disabled gamers.

Credit photo: pxhere

a blue PlayStation controller placed on rocks

“Halo Infinite” won two prizes at the Video Game Accessibility Awards

By thegamesofhector

Video games are my passion! I've decided to begin this blog in order to share my favorite things from the gaming industry.

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